Who am I?

Besides all the wonderful and super cool art director stuff, I am deep into the suburbian wonder-bundle of lawn-mowing, dog-walking and french toast making. Quite skilled at each. I really love design and advertising, and I have spent more than 20 years working with clients like LEGO, Arla, Vestas, KIA, Hyundai, HiFi-Klubben, Lidl, Salling Group, Carlsberg, Royal Unibrew and Jem&Fix.

I have a proven track record at various award shows including the Danish Effies, Creative Circle, The True Award and have had works featured in the Danish news, Daily Mail, Wired, Fast Company, Shots and more.

Heavy metal, Mexican food and all sorts of weird stuff can make my day. And with the world being stranger than fiction, I guess it makes me a pretty normal guy. Hit me up, if you want to rank Tool albums, talk German cars or throw one-liners from ‘The Big Lebowski’, Dude :)